S R Å G A solutions
e x p e r t . e n g i n e e r . c o n s u l t i n g
l ö s u n g s f o k u s s i e r t
r a n g e o f s e r v i c e
technical sales & technical _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3b-5193_bad5cf
Development and launch of innovative products & systems
Sustainable & resource-saving construction
Pre-sales, customer acquisition, key account management
Expansion and development of innovative business areas and strategic partnerships
Strategic realignment, business development
Project management, project development, concept development,
Product management, product development to market launch
R&D projects, approvals, national and international
Development of technical sales tools, pices of evidence
Market analysis, competition and potential analysis
Feasibility study, development of marketing concepts
Design of processes, process optimization
Site management, structural engineering advice, building maintenance and repairs
Establishment and coordination of cross-sector planning interim teams
Training, lectures, events, publications
Sales-oriented networking
Lightweight steel construction, lightweight facades, building envelope, VHF, UK
Cementitious fiber composites, special civil engineering screw foundations
Sustainable construction methods, project business, complex processes
a r e a
Innovative Geschäftsfelder
der Bau- & Baustoffindustrie
Anspruchsvolle Technologieprojekte
Leichtbau | Modulbauweise
in Stahl-Leichtbau
Vorgehängte Hinterlüftete Fassaden (VHF)
Vorfertigung & Vorortmontagetechnik
Anspruchsvolle Fassaden
in Brand-, Schall-& Wärmeschutz
KfW 55 & 40 Anforderungen
Aussergewöhnlich in Design & Materialien
Faserverbundstoffe, Technische Fasern
Anlagen- und Anwendungstechnik
Spezialtiefbau, Schraubfundamente, Screw Piles, Helical Piles
t e r m s & c o n d i t i o n s
Remuneration is based on a fee agreement.
Calculation on an individual basis Determination of the subject matter of the contract, contract duration, exclusion of competition by contractual partners. Confidentiality is a basic requirement.
N i c h t I d e e n m a c h e n e r f o l g r e i c h , s o n d e r n i h r e U m s e t z u n g.